Sunday, September 13, 2009

PG New Class Blog

Welcome to the class blog for Pursuing Godliness. This will be a Work-in Progress and I would like suggestions on how to make it more useful.

I have taken the liberty thus far to provide a few useful tools/links down the left hand side of the site: Bible study resources I have personally benefitted from, guides to prayer, a great gospel presentation tool, sites which interact with culture and help us to intelligently defend the faith and engage with others, solid periodicals from a Christian perspective, and links to other blogs that I have found consistently interesting, informative, edgy, provocative, or just entertaining. Some of these blogs are among the most heavily visited sites in the Christian blogosphere and are very respected. Note - for these recommended sites I don't necessarily agree with everything written there, but have found that the writers take engagement with their topics seriously and reading them can promote good Christian thinking about our world and growing in Christ. I hope you enjoy some of them and can profit from them.

I would also like for the site to be a place for the class to interact. For example we plan to post some of the issues and questions that are raised in and by the class and then interact with them. I think this will be beneficial and fun. So please, feel free to respond in the comments sections of the blog posts.

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