Monday, December 20, 2010

Taking Action

Here are notes from Sunday's lesson. I thought it might be useful to keep these brief action words in front of us as we seek to be a good witness to the person and work of Christ and speak the Gospel to those whom the Lord has places in our lives. These points were drawn from the excellent book, Marks of the Messenger, by J. Mack Stiles.

1. Body Check
- Head/heart check -is the gospel prominent on our hearts and minds during the day
- Gut check - are we willing to be bold in the face of our fears of sharing the Gospel
- feet check - are we prepared to move out and speak the Gospel truth

2. Pray
- for those specific names who don't know Christ - regularly!
- to be more attuned to Holy Spirit -led opportunities to share
- pray with others directly if opportunity

3. Plan -think ahead for future occasions where you may be able to share faith

4. Think
- Study others to discern what are the issues and obstacles non -believers in our lives are dealing with that are genuine objections to faith (defeater beliefs)
Resource: The Reason for God by Tim Keller, book and DVD

5. Prepare
- Practice the "Gospel in a minute"; gospel on our hearts ready to share
- God , Man , Christ, Response
2 Ways to Live - see link on this class blog
What is the Gospel by Greg Gilbert

6. Get started
- have lunch with others
- intentionally find ways to spend time with non-believers; go to or host neighborhood parties, pool; join rec sports leagues
- be bold in conversation
- ask questions like - "What are spiritual interests?" "What is faith background"?

7. Gather
- plan events and invite others to attend
- small group Bible Study
- neutral site or in home
- invite to church

8. Serve
- the community around us; where we live, work, and play
- redemptive life of service points to a God who redeems
- should expect this to cost something
- e.g. meals for neighbors, watching kids so couple can get away, assistance with yard work, volunteer in community -PTA, homeowners, rec league sports

9. Speak
- seize moment -ready to turn conversation to Christ ; open a door in that direction
- expose our faith to others when opportunity
- use questions
- Resources:
Tactics by Greg Koukl
Marks of the Messenger by Mack Stiles
The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever
Questioning Evangelism by Randy Newman

10. Pursue
-don't give up; be persistent -keep praying!
-Think, If God could save me, why not others we are praying for!

11. Invite
- a response to commit to a relationship with the living Christ
- some may be just waiting for someone to share how to do this

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