Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dads: Leadership and Family Vacations

For all the Dads who are taking your families on a vacation this summer, I encourage you to read this helpful article by C.J. Mahaney, entitled Leadership + and Family Vacations. A brief excerpt will illustrate the point of the article:

"Here’s what I’ve learned. The difference between forgettable vacations
and unforgettable vacations is not the location or attractions. Nope. The
difference between forgettable and unforgettable vacations is the father’s
attitude and leadership. This makes all the difference.

Family vacations provide a unique opportunity each year for fathers to
create memories their children will never forget. Memories that will last a
lifetime. Memories that will be recreated by your children with your
grandchildren. Memories that will outlive a father. But in order to create
these memories, a father must be diligent to serve and lead during
a vacation. How a father views his role on a vacation will make all the difference
in the vacation."

Read the whole thing.

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